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Divide Floor

Divide Floor

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Review: Divide Floor - The Ultimate Revit Plugin for Floor Division

Revit users, rejoice! The Divide Floor plugin is here to revolutionize your floor division experience. This free plugin for Autodesk® Revit® allows you to effortlessly divide one floor into multiple floors, based on floor geometry after joining with the others.

Effortless Floor Division

Divide Floor makes floor division a breeze. With just a few clicks, you can divide a single floor into as many floors as desired. Whether you need to separate different areas of a floor or create multiple levels within a building, this plugin has got you covered.

One of the standout features of Divide Floor is its ability to maintain the integrity of floor geometry. Even after joining floors, the plugin ensures that each division follows the original floor's shape and dimensions. This attention to detail sets Divide Floor apart from its competitors.

Reset Parameters

It's worth noting that when using Divide Floor, all assigned parameters will be reset. However, this trade-off is insignificant compared to the benefits it offers. The plugin's ability to seamlessly divide floors trumps any minor inconveniences caused by parameter resetting.


If you're an Autodesk® Revit® user in need of efficient floor division, look no further than the Divide Floor plugin. Its intuitive interface, accurate geometry maintenance, and the ability to divide floors with ease make it a must-have tool for architects, engineers, and designers alike. Don't miss out on enhancing your Revit experience - give Divide Floor a try today!

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