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Catenda for Autodesk® Revit®

Catenda for Autodesk® Revit®

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About this app


In the world of architecture and construction, effective collaboration and communication are crucial for the success of any project. With the Catenda add-in for Autodesk® Revit®, these essential aspects are taken to a whole new level. Whether you are a seasoned Revit user or just starting out, this powerful plugin offers a range of features that streamline your workflows, improve project management, and enhance communication among team members.


(Image by: CATENDA)

Seamless Integration and Real-Time Synchronization

One of the standout features of Catenda for Revit is its seamless integration with Arena, allowing for real-time synchronization of project issues. This means that all your issues, no matter how big or small, are synchronized between Revit and Catenda, providing you with instant access, easy sharing, and efficient communication. The issue format used is BCF, which enables sharing across any BCF enabled BIM software or platform. This integration bridges the gap between different software tools, ensuring smooth collaboration across the board.

Upload your Revit model directly to Catenda Hub
Upload your Revit model directly to Catenda Hub

(Image by: CATENDA)

Enhanced Issue Management

Managing project issues becomes a breeze with the Catenda add-in. You have access to all your Catenda projects within Revit, allowing you to filter and manage issues across different issue boards. Creating new issues directly from Revit is also possible, saving you time and effort. Furthermore, you can locate issues within your Revit model, making it easy to pinpoint problem areas and take immediate action. With Catenda, you can create a new 3D view for each comment, providing a visual representation of the issue at hand.

Navigate through your Catenda projects without leaving Revit
Navigate through your Catenda projects without leaving Revit

(Image by: CATENDA)

Visualize and Annotate

A picture is worth a thousand words, and Catenda for Revit understands the power of visuals. With this plugin, you can add pictures to your issues and annotate them, providing clear and concise information to all project stakeholders. This visual approach enhances communication and minimizes misunderstandings, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, the ability to assign issues to other project members and change issue status and other properties makes collaboration more efficient and transparent.

Login with your Catenda account
Login with your Catenda account

(Image by: CATENDA)

Seamless Model Upload and Collaboration

Uploading your Revit model to Catenda has never been easier. With just one click, you can export and upload your model directly to the Catenda platform, ensuring that all project information is centralized and easily accessible. Catenda serves as a cloud-based collaboration platform that brings construction data to life. It manages project information from the outset to handover and beyond, ensuring data and knowledge retention across all project phases. This comprehensive approach enhances collaboration and drives efficiency throughout the building life cycle.

Support for BuildingSMART Standards

Catenda is a BIM collaboration tool that fully supports all the buildingSMART standards, including IFC, bSDD, BCF, and COBie. This means that you can seamlessly work with different software tools and platforms, ensuring compatibility and interoperability. The range of APIs offered by Catenda makes it easy to implement the tool into your own software, further enhancing collaboration and efficiency within your organization.


The Catenda add-in for Autodesk® Revit® is a game-changer for BIM projects. Its seamless integration, real-time synchronization, and enhanced issue management capabilities make it an indispensable tool for architects, engineers, and construction professionals. With Catenda, you can take your collaboration and communication to the next level, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget. Don't miss out on this opportunity to streamline your workflows and drive efficiency - give Catenda for Revit a try today!

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