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Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling

Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling

Monthly Price: $1.99/month
Yearly Price: $9.99/year
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About this app

An Introduction to Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling

If you are a Revit user, you know how time-consuming it can be to select multiple elements within the boundaries of floors, roofs, or ceilings. But fear not, because the Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling plugin is here to save the day! This incredible app simplifies the selection process, allowing you to modify the vertical range of your chosen elements with just a few clicks.

Efficiency at Your Fingertips

Gone are the days of manually selecting each element one by one. With Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling, you can easily select floors, roofs, or ceilings, and instantly modify their top or bottom offset. This functionality streamlines your workflow, reducing time and effort spent on tedious tasks.

A Seamless Selection Experience

With the click of a button, Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling identifies all elements within your chosen boundary, making the selection process a breeze. This plugin's intuitive design ensures that even novice users can operate it effortlessly, while experienced Revit professionals will appreciate the time-saving benefits it offers.


(Image by: Modeling Store)


If you are looking to enhance your Revit workflow and optimize your time, Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling is the plugin for you. Its seamless selection experience and efficient modification capabilities make it a must-have tool for any Revit user. Don't waste another minute on manual element selection – give Select By Floor/Roof/Ceiling a try and experience a new level of productivity in your projects!

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