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File Version Checker 2023

File Version Checker 2023

Price: $9.99
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About this app


Autodesk® Revit® files are vital for architects, engineers, and designers working on complex projects. However, managing the compatibility of these files across different versions of Revit can be a challenging task. The File Version Checker 2023 is a revolutionary plugin that offers a seamless solution to this problem, simplifying the process of opening and upgrading files in the correct Revit version.

File Version Checker 2023 Initial View
File Version Checker 2023 Initial View

(Image by: Norcher Developments)

The Problem

Revit files are heavily dependent on the version in which they have been saved. When attempting to open a Revit file in a different version, users are often confronted with notifications informing them about the version mismatch. This can lead to wasted time and frustration as users try to determine the correct Revit version to open the file.

Additionally, the default Revit version that opens when a user double-clicks a Revit file in the file explorer is the most recent version installed on their system. When the version in which the file was saved is not identified in the file name, selecting the right Revit version becomes a guessing game.

Select multiple Revit files at once to view Revit versions from multiple sources
Select multiple Revit files at once to view Revit versions from multiple sources

(Image by: Norcher Developments)

The Solution: File Version Checker 2023

File Version Checker is a lightweight application that acts as the default application for Revit files. When a user opens a Revit file through their system's file explorer, the plugin reads the basic file information to determine the exact Revit version in which it was saved. It also scans the user's Revit install location to identify the available Revit versions on their system.

If the user has the same version of Revit in which the file was saved, the File Version Checker presents a convenient "open" button, eliminating the need for guesswork. However, if the user has newer versions of Revit installed, they are also given the opportunity to upgrade the file to the Revit version of their choice, ensuring seamless compatibility.

Open File Version Checker directly from the Revit file type within the file explorer
Open File Version Checker directly from the Revit file type within the file explorer

(Image by: Norcher Developments)

Why File Version Checker 2023?

File Version Checker offers several compelling reasons to give it a try:

1. Time Saving

By accurately identifying the Revit version in which a file was saved, File Version Checker eliminates the need to manually open multiple versions of Revit or cancel upgrades. With a single click, users can effortlessly open files in the correct Revit version, saving countless hours of frustration and wasted effort.

2. Seamless Compatibility

With the option to upgrade files to the preferred Revit version, File Version Checker ensures seamless compatibility for users with newer Revit versions installed. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and welcome a smooth workflow where files open effortlessly, regardless of the version they were saved in.

3. User-Friendly Interface

The plugin's lightweight application comes with an intuitive user interface, making it easy for both beginner and advanced Revit users to navigate. The clear "open" button and upgrade options provide a hassle-free experience, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.

Assign a custom Revit installation path to search for installed Revit versions
Assign a custom Revit installation path to search for installed Revit versions

(Image by: Norcher Developments)


Managing Revit file compatibility is no longer a daunting task with the File Version Checker 2023 plugin. Its ability to identify the Revit version in which a file was saved, along with the option to upgrade to the desired Revit version, ensures a seamless experience for users.

Save time, eliminate guesswork, and enhance your workflow by giving File Version Checker 2023 a try. With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this plugin is a must-have for any Revit user looking to streamline their file management process.

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