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Schedule Plus

Schedule Plus

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About this app

Managing data in Autodesk® Revit® can be a time-consuming task, but with the help of the Schedule Plus plugin, you can streamline your workflow and save valuable time. Schedule Plus is a powerful tool that offers a range of commands to export and process schedules and quantities. This review will explore the features of Schedule Plus and highlight its benefits for Revit users.

Export to Excel

One of the standout features of Schedule Plus is its ability to export Revit schedules to Excel worksheets with just a single click. This command allows you to set up your own XLSX template, ensuring that the exported schedules instantly look fabulous. Additionally, Schedule Plus offers the convenience of batch-saving all selected schedules into one workbook or multiple workbooks with multiple worksheets. This feature is incredibly useful for organizing and categorizing data efficiently.

Export to Excel workflow
Export to Excel workflow

(Image by: Pangolin tools)

Copy Active Schedule to Clipboard

Schedule Plus also provides a handy command that allows you to copy schedule data to the clipboard. This feature enables you to easily paste the data into various other applications such as Excel, mail, or any text editor. By seamlessly transferring data between Revit and other software, Schedule Plus enhances collaboration and enables you to work more effectively.

Copy Schedule to clipboard workflow
Copy Schedule to clipboard workflow

(Image by: Pangolin tools)

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Schedule Plus is compatible with Revit versions 2018 to 2023, ensuring that users across various software versions can benefit from its features. The plugin is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced Revit users. The straightforward commands and streamlined interface of Schedule Plus make it easy to integrate into your existing workflow.

Make your own custom XLSX templates
Make your own custom XLSX templates

(Image by: Pangolin tools)


Schedule Plus is a must-have plugin for any Revit user looking to optimize their data management processes. With its powerful exporting capabilities and seamless integration with other applications, Schedule Plus saves you time and effort in managing your schedules and quantities. Whether you need to export schedules to Excel or copy data to the clipboard, this plugin delivers impressive results. Give Schedule Plus a try and experience the enhanced efficiency and productivity it brings to your Revit workflow.

Export to Excel settings
Export to Excel settings

(Image by: Pangolin tools)

Available commands
Available commands

(Image by: Pangolin tools)

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