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Selection Master

Selection Master

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About this app

Revit is a powerful tool for architectural design and building information modeling, but managing complex models can be a daunting task. That's where the Selection Master plugin comes in. With its robust set of features, Selection Master offers a seamless way to filter and organize your Revit model, saving you time and frustration. Let's take a closer look at what this plugin has to offer.

Effortless Model Filtering

With Selection Master, filtering your model has never been easier. The plugin allows you to apply six different filters to your model, giving you unparalleled control over your selection process. Whether you need to filter by the value of a specific parameter or by the phase in which an element was created or demolished, Selection Master has you covered.

One of the standout features of Selection Master is its ability to filter elements based on their level. This is particularly useful when dealing with work plane-based elements or elements that use "Schedule Level" and "Reference Level" parameters. With just a few clicks, you can identify and select elements based on their level, allowing for efficient model manipulation.

Apply individual filters with a single click using 'Quick Filters'.
Apply individual filters with a single click using 'Quick Filters'.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

Endless Combination Filters

The flexibility of Selection Master is truly impressive. By combining an unlimited number of filters, you can create customized combination filters that precisely match your criteria. Need to locate all elements with a value greater than a specific threshold? Or perhaps you want to find elements that were created in a particular phase and belong to a specific family category. With Selection Master, the possibilities are endless.

In addition to the advanced combination filters, Selection Master also offers quick filters that provide one-click access to individual filters. This feature is perfect for those moments when you need to quickly isolate specific types of elements without going through the hassle of setting up combination filters.

Create filters based on level, family, phase created, phase demolished, or any parameter.  Filters and resulting elements are displayed on a palette interface and elements can easily be selected and shown in Revit without closing the palette.
Create filters based on level, family, phase created, phase demolished, or any parameter. Filters and resulting elements are displayed on a palette interface and elements can easily be selected and shown in Revit without closing the palette.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

Efficient Model Management

Selection Master goes beyond filtering, offering a range of tools to help you manage your Revit models more efficiently. The plugin allows you to save filter sets for future use, ensuring quick and easy access to your preferred filter combinations. BIM management can also deploy filter sets to all users, promoting a consistent approach to model organization across teams.

The 'Rehost' command is another standout feature of Selection Master. It enables users to seamlessly transfer elements from one level to another. This is particularly useful when you need to remove redundant or unnecessary levels from a project without deleting any associated elements. With the help of the Quick Level filter, you can confidently rehost elements while maintaining the integrity of your model.

Export specific reports about the model to csv to work in Excel or other spreadsheet programs.
Export specific reports about the model to csv to work in Excel or other spreadsheet programs.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

Visualize and Modify Your Selections

Selection Master provides a clear and organized grid view of your current selection, giving you a comprehensive overview of the elements you've filtered. You can easily group, sort, and filter elements by various criteria such as type, level, and phasing. This allows for quick modifications and adjustments, further streamlining your workflow.

Selection Master commands are contained in a panel on the Revolution Design tab in the ribbon.
Selection Master commands are contained in a panel on the Revolution Design tab in the ribbon.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

Start Your Free Trial Today!

Ready to optimize your Revit workflow? Start your free 30-day trial of Selection Master today. Simply install the plugin, start Revit, and select 'Start Trial'. With its powerful filtering capabilities and efficient model management tools, Selection Master is sure to become an indispensable part of your Revit toolkit.

Add, remove, and modify filters easily directly on the palette.
Add, remove, and modify filters easily directly on the palette.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)


Selection Master is a game-changer for Revit users, offering a comprehensive set of features that streamline model filtering and management. Its advanced combination filters, quick filters, and rehosting capabilities provide the flexibility and control necessary for efficient model manipulation. With Selection Master, you can easily visualize and modify your selections, saving you time and ensuring accuracy. Don't miss out on this powerful plugin – start your free trial today and experience the difference!

Rehost elements from one level to another with the option to either leave them in their physical location and modify offsets to retain offsets and change levels.  An essential tool for removing unwanted or redundant levels from a project.
Rehost elements from one level to another with the option to either leave them in their physical location and modify offsets to retain offsets and change levels. An essential tool for removing unwanted or redundant levels from a project.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

Combine any number of filters into filter sets.  Filter sets are saved in the project so they can be generated in an office template and will not be lost when moving files or moving between users.
Combine any number of filters into filter sets. Filter sets are saved in the project so they can be generated in an office template and will not be lost when moving files or moving between users.

(Image by: Revolution Design, Inc.)

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