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About this app

Are you an architect, an interior designer, or a creative professional looking to amplify your creative prowess? Look no further than MIRAR®, the pioneering add-in tool crafted specifically for Autodesk® Revit®. With its key features and benefits, MIRAR® unleashes the true power of design and visualization, allowing you to bring your ideas to life faster than ever before.

Accelerated Concept Exploration

One of the standout features of MIRAR® is its ability to speed up the concept exploration process. Gone are the days of spending hours on preliminary sketches. With MIRAR®, you can quickly transition from sketches to rich, immersive renders in the blink of an eye. This means that you can spend less time on the initial stages of your design and more time refining and perfecting your vision.


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Tailored for Architects & Landscape Designers

MIRAR® understands the unique needs of architects and landscape designers. It allows you to seamlessly transform your concepts, assess spatial dynamics, and forge connections between indoor and outdoor environments. With MIRAR®, every design resonates with its intended purpose, ensuring that your creations are not only visually stunning but also functional and practical.

Craft Interiors with Precision

Interior designers will appreciate the expansive palette of aesthetic flows that MIRAR® offers. You can test, experiment, and refine until you achieve that impeccable design story that speaks volumes. MIRAR® allows you to bring your interior design visions to life with precision and accuracy, ensuring that every detail is flawlessly executed.


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Elevate Your Creative Portfolio

If you're creatively inclined, MIRAR® is a game-changer. With its AI-enhanced capabilities, you can create stunning visuals that will leave a lasting impression. Each render you produce with MIRAR® not only showcases your skills but also reflects the marvel of cutting-edge technology. With MIRAR®, you can take your creative portfolio to new heights and stand out from the crowd.

Seamless Integration with Revit

MIRAR® understands the importance of a smooth and efficient design experience. That's why it seamlessly integrates with Autodesk® Revit®, ensuring that you can forget about cumbersome processes and software conflicts. With MIRAR®, you can focus on unleashing your creativity without worrying about technical obstacles.


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Why Choose MIRAR®?

MIRAR® is not just another add-in; it's a revolutionary tool designed to bridge the gap between your vision and what you can create. Every feature and function of MIRAR® is intended to empower you, the creator. With MIRAR®, you can witness design evolution in real-time, make informed decisions, and present your ideas with unmatched confidence. The possibilities are endless, and your imagination is the only boundary.

Don't hesitate to give MIRAR® a try. Dive into a world where limitations fade away and creativity takes center stage. It's time to unlock the true power of design and visualization with MIRAR®.


MIRAR® is a must-have add-in for anyone working with Autodesk® Revit®. Its accelerated concept exploration, tailored features for architects and landscape designers, precision in crafting interiors, and ability to elevate your creative portfolio make it an indispensable tool. With its seamless integration with Revit, using MIRAR® is a breeze. Choose MIRAR® and unleash the true power of design and visualization today!

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