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Convert Text Case

Convert Text Case

Monthly Price: $1.99/month
Yearly Price: $3.99/year
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About this app


If you are a user of Autodesk® Revit®, you know how important text editing is in creating accurate and professional designs. However, the default options for modifying text case in the "Text Notes" category can be limited. This is where the Revit plugin "Convert Text Case" comes in. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, this tool aims to enhance your text editing experience in Revit by allowing you to easily change the text case to upper case, lower case, sentence case, and title case.



Easy Text Case Modification

With "Convert Text Case," modifying the text case for your "Text Notes" category becomes a breeze. Whether you want to make all text uppercase for emphasis, convert a chunk of text to sentence case for better readability, or capitalize the first letter of each word for titles, this plugin has you covered. The intuitive interface ensures a smooth user experience, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced Revit users.



Activation Process

Before diving into the activation steps, it's important to note that the tool will work for a 30-day trial period. To continue using it beyond this period, you need to activate the plugin by following a simple process. First, launch the app and take note of the license code shown in the app license dialog box. Along with this code, send the payment receipt to the provided email address "bim_s_s@yahoo.com." Within 24 hours, you will receive an activation code in your email. Simply click on "activate" in the license dialog box, enter the received code, and hit OK to activate the app.




If you want to enhance your text editing capabilities in Autodesk® Revit®, "Convert Text Case" is an excellent plugin to consider. With its ability to change the text case for the "Text Notes" category to upper case, lower case, sentence case, and title case, this tool gives you the flexibility and control you need to create professional designs. The activation process is straightforward and ensures uninterrupted usage beyond the 30-day trial period. Don't miss out on this valuable addition to your Revit workflow. Watch the video demonstration and give "Convert Text Case" a try today!

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