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ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter for Revit® - Trial

ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter for Revit® - Trial

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About this app

ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter for Revit® is a powerful plugin that allows users to export Revit solid bodies and sketches to a GLTF / GLB file format. As an open file format, GLTF has been widely adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors, making it a versatile choice for exporting 3D models from Revit.

Outstanding Features

One of the standout features of ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter is its support for GLTF format 2.0. This ensures compatibility with the latest industry standards, allowing users to seamlessly integrate their Revit models into other 3D applications. The plugin also supports GLB files, which is a binary version of the GLTF format, making it even more convenient for sharing and collaboration.

Another notable feature is the support for Rebar Entity. This allows users to export rebar elements from their Revit models to the GLTF file, preserving the intricate details and ensuring accuracy in the exported model.

ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter gives users full control over the visibility of nodes. This means that users can choose which elements to include or exclude from the export, providing greater flexibility in the final output.

The plugin also supports texture, metalness, and roughness of materials, ensuring that the visual aspects of the model are accurately represented in the GLTF file. Additionally, wire data and face-level transparency can be exported, giving users the ability to create visually stunning models.

File size optimization is a crucial aspect of any export process, and ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter excels in this area. The default compression helps reduce the file size as much as possible without sacrificing the quality of the model. This is especially important when sharing large models or working with limited storage resources.


(Image by: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd )

Easy to Use and Additional Features

ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate and utilize its functionalities. The plugin also supports the Swap/Flip Axis feature, allowing users to adjust the orientation of the model during the export process.

Users can also take advantage of the export unit feature, which ensures that the exported model is accurately scaled based on the desired unit of measurement. The reset functionality is another useful addition, enabling users to revert any changes made during the export process and start fresh, if needed.

For added convenience, ProtoTech has included preview images, giving users a glimpse of the exported model before finalizing the export process.


(Image by: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd )


ProtoTech's GLTF Exporter for Revit® - Trial is a versatile and efficient plugin that offers an array of features to streamline the process of exporting Revit models. With its support for the latest GLTF formats, control over node visibility, and file size optimization, this plugin is a must-try for anyone working with Revit models and looking to integrate them into other 3D applications. Its user-friendly interface and additional features only enhance the overall experience, making it a valuable tool for architects, designers, and 3D professionals.


(Image by: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd )

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