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Engipedia Topo Shaper

Engipedia Topo Shaper

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About this app

Revit, the leading software in the field of architectural design and construction, offers a wide range of plugins to enhance its capabilities. One such plugin that stands out is the Engipedia Topo Shaper. With its intuitive features and seamless integration with Revit, this plugin is a must-have tool for any architect or engineer looking to shape topography instances effortlessly.

Efficient Topography Shaping

The main purpose of the Engipedia Topo Shaper is to shape topography instances with the help of model lines. This powerful tool adds additional topography points along selected model lines, allowing for precise control over the shape and form of the terrain. Whether you need to create landscapes, site plans, or detailed contours, this plugin has got you covered.

Line division can be done per the number of points or per distance between points, giving you the flexibility to achieve the desired level of detail. The plugin supports all types of model lines, including lines, arcs, ellipses, curves, and NURBS, making it versatile for any design requirement.

However, it is worth noting that the selected model lines should not be closed loops. If there are closed loops, such as circles or ellipses, they need to be divided into multiple parts using the Autodesk® Revit® Split Element tool. This requirement ensures smooth operation and optimal results when shaping the topography.

Current state, some topography with model lines.
Current state, some topography with model lines.

(Image by: engipedia)

Thoughtful Points Division

Creating topography requires careful consideration of the points division. The Engipedia Topo Shaper advises users to think carefully when dividing points, as more points do not necessarily result in better outcomes. It is essential to strike a balance between detail and performance to ensure optimal results.

An additional feature that sets this plugin apart is the ability to save the current topography. By saving the topography as a CSV points file, users can preserve the current state of their design and easily revert back to it when needed. This feature proves particularly useful when experimenting with different topography shapes and forms, allowing for greater design exploration and flexibility.

Tool can be run via Add-ins tab on Revit ribbon.
Tool can be run via Add-ins tab on Revit ribbon.

(Image by: engipedia)

Seamless Integration and User Experience

The Engipedia Topo Shaper seamlessly integrates with Revit, making it a user-friendly tool for both experienced users and beginners. The plugin's interface is intuitive and straightforward, with clear instructions and prompts along the way. The tool's ability to support various model lines and its efficient point division system further enhance the overall user experience.

When it comes to compatibility, the Engipedia Topo Shaper works with any version of Revit, ensuring that users can enjoy its benefits regardless of their software version. Its reliability and stability make it a reliable companion in any architectural project.

First, tool will prompt to select topography and model lines.
First, tool will prompt to select topography and model lines.

(Image by: engipedia)


The Engipedia Topo Shaper is a game-changer in the world of topography shaping. With its efficient line division, thoughtful points division, and seamless integration with Revit, this plugin offers a streamlined workflow for shaping topography instances. Whether you're a seasoned architect or a novice designer, this tool will undoubtedly enhance your design process and help you achieve stunning results.

We highly recommend giving the Engipedia Topo Shaper a try. Its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and seamless integration with Revit make it an invaluable addition to any architect or engineer's toolkit.


(Image by: engipedia)

Current (unchanged) topography can be saved as topography points (csv) file.
Current (unchanged) topography can be saved as topography points (csv) file.

(Image by: engipedia)

Clicking on the "Shape Topography" button will change the topography instance.
Clicking on the "Shape Topography" button will change the topography instance.

(Image by: engipedia)

Topography points with spacing of 20cm.
Topography points with spacing of 20cm.

(Image by: engipedia)

Main tool window.
Main tool window.

(Image by: engipedia)

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