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Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker

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About this app

In the world of Autodesk Revit, managing tags can often become a challenge, especially in areas that are overpopulated with tags. That's where Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker comes in to save the day. This fantastic Revit Add-On aims to stack identical tags above each other while maintaining the leaders separately, streamlining your workflow and reducing clutter.

Efficient Tag Stacking

The main feature of Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker is its ability to stack identical tags. Gone are the days of manually rearranging tags and leaders to save space. With this plugin, you can easily stack tags with the same content, creating one multileader entity, just like in Autodesk AutoCAD.

Gif Animation For People With Restricted Access To YouTube
Gif Animation For People With Restricted Access To YouTube

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

Flexible Leader Options

One of the highlights of this plugin is the flexibility it offers when it comes to leaders. You can choose between straight leaders, "dog-legged" leaders (leaders with elbows or landing lines), or the match leader mode. The match leader mode allows you to stack tags based on an already existing tag, giving you even more control over your tag arrangements.

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - Ribbon Tab & Panel
Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - Ribbon Tab & Panel

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

Seamless Integration with Autodesk Revit

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker seamlessly integrates with various versions of Autodesk Revit, including 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 editions. This ensures that regardless of the version you use, you can take advantage of this powerful plugin to enhance your productivity.

Furthermore, Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. You won't need to spend hours learning complicated processes or struggle to navigate through confusing menus. This plugin is straightforward and efficient, allowing you to focus on your design work instead of wasting time on tedious tag management.

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - Ribbon Tab and Panel - Dark Mode
Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - Ribbon Tab and Panel - Dark Mode

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

Discounted Multi-Seat Licenses

If you're part of a company or organization that requires multiple licenses, Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker offers discounted multi-seat licenses. This means you can enjoy the benefits of this plugin across your entire team without breaking the bank. Visit their website for more information on pricing and licensing options.

Stacked Tags into one multileader
Stacked Tags into one multileader

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)


In conclusion, Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker is a game-changer for Autodesk Revit users. With its ability to stack identical tags, flexible leader options, and seamless integration with Revit, this plugin brings efficiency and simplicity to your tag management process. Say goodbye to cluttered designs and hello to streamlined workflows. Don't hesitate to try out Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker and experience the difference it can make in your Revit projects.

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - User Form - Light Mode
Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - User Form - Light Mode

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - User Form - Dark Mode (2024+)
Bird Tools - Automatic Tag Stacker - User Form - Dark Mode (2024+)

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

Dog-Legged Stacked Tags
Dog-Legged Stacked Tags

(Image by: Building Information Researchers and Developers OÜ)

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